Special exhibition in 2019 | 2020
at Deutsches Historisches Museum Berlin
The knowledge landscapes traversed and illuminated by the Humboldt brothers are reflected scenographically by means of a 19th-century innovation in museum education – the translucent images of the diorama. Interpreted in a modern and expansive, space-defining way, the diorama is the guiding principle in the design of the exhibition. The graphics take up the idea of layers and by doing so convey the depth of knowledge in the pioneering penetration of the two brothers.
Special exhibition in 2019 | 2020
at Deutsches Historisches Museum Berlin
The knowledge landscapes traversed and illuminated by the Humboldt brothers are reflected scenographically by means of a 19th-century innovation in museum education – the translucent images of the diorama. Interpreted in a modern and expansive, space-defining way, the diorama is the guiding principle in the design of the exhibition. The graphics take up the idea of layers and by doing so convey the depth of knowledge in the pioneering penetration of the two brothers.
Photos: Christoph Steinweg
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